Conservation Partners
"I know that anytime I partner with Frontera Land Alliance, I will be working with experienced, passionate, and knowledgeable individuals. I have always appreciated Frontera's dedication to the protection of open space, and also their willingness to collaborate on a variety of projects."
-Lauren Baldwin, MBA, LEED AP ND
Director of Sustainability, Quantum Consultants. Engineering, Urban Planning, and Sustainability Consulting
Borderland Mountain Biking Association
To represent the greater El Paso mountain bike community in all advocacy efforts, promote responsible trail use, and aid in the development and maintenance of trails and trailheads. BORDERLAND MOUNTAIN BIKE ASSOCIATION - Home (
Community-Driven Inclusive Excellence and Leadership Opportunities in the Geosciences ( The Community-driven Inclusive Excellence and Leadership Opportunities in the Geosciences (CIELO-G) project aims to transform in a profound and long-lasting way our geoscience community culture by consciously and organically changing the way we interact with our broader local community.
El Paso Electric Company
El Paso Electric will provide safe, clean, affordable, and reliable energy through superior production, acquisition, and delivery. To learn more:
El Paso Museum of Archeology
The El Paso Museum of Archaeology presents 14,000 years of prehistory in the El Paso area, the greater Southwest, and northern Mexico. You’ll see dioramas and exhibits of American Indian lives and their material culture, from the Paleoindian hunters of the Ice Age to their modern descendants. The exhibits are periodically changed to reflect the scope of the Museum’s collections and the interests of the community. Special exhibits are located in the auditorium and the North Gallery. The auditorium also houses explore-able drawers of artifacts from across the US. Walk nature trails on our 15 acres with more than 250 varieties of Chihuahuan Desert native plants, outdoor exhibits, and an Indian Garden. Learn more at
El Paso/Trans-Pecas Audubon Society
The El Paso/Trans-Pecos Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society. We have a large territory, all of Texas west of the Pecos River (“Trans-Pecos”). Our members are found throughout the Trans-Pecos, but most live in the region’s largest city, El Paso. To learn more:
El Paso 500 Women Scientists
Inspired by an article we wrote last year, the El Paso women recognized that their border community was uniquely positioned, and a pod could bring together people from many backgrounds with one goal in mind: to change perceptions of what a scientist looks like in their own community. While the pod is still in the early stages of growth, already they are finding creative ways to interact with their community – including a fossil hike! Thank you ladies for taking the time to introduce your pod to us! To learn more go to
El Paso Zoo
The El Paso Zoo celebrates the value of animals and natural resources and creates opportunities for people to rediscover their connection to nature. To learn more go to:
Franklin Mountain State Park-Texas Parks and Wildlife
The Franklin Mountains provided most of the basic necessities of life for early people here. Today, the mountains meet a different human need – our need for time in nature. Come explore these high-desert mountains, just 15 minutes from El Paso.
Learn more at:
Friends of The Rio Bosque
The Friends of the Rio Bosque is the volunteer-support group for Rio Bosque Wetlands Park. The Friends are active in all aspects of the park, from education programs to outreach, to ecosystem management, to faunal monitoring, to fundraising, to advocacy. To learn more:
Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest
Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest brings together Girl Scouts of the Permian Basin, Girl Scouts of the Rio Grande, and Girl Scouts – Zia Council. The merger on May 1, 2009, is part of the realignment of Girl Scout councils nationwide. To learn more go to
Green Hope Project
Our mission is to educate the public on ways to take better care of our planet. We provide free art workshops to teach the public how to make art from trash. To learn more go to
Growing with Sara Farm
The Family Land Heritage Program is a recognition program which honors families who have owned and operated a continuous agricultural operation for 100 years or more. Every year the Texas Department of Agriculture hosts a ceremony at the Texas State Capitol to celebrate and commemorate the families who have passed down their proud Texas legacy from generation to generation. Marty and Ralph Loya, proprietors of Growing with Sara Farm in Socorro, Texas have kept the family farm in operation and in the family for over 100 years. They have been recognized by the Family Land Heritage Program for this accomplishment. Sara Farms is the first in El Paso County to receive this recognition and we are proud to acknowledge their support of Frontera.
Volunteers are always needed at the farm to prepare beds for the coming season, pulling out weeds, and other gardening chores. Frontera Land Alliance hosts volunteer days throughout the year.
To learn more go to
Hueco Tanks State Park
For thousands of years, people have trekked to these rock hills in far west Texas. In earlier times, they came for the rainwater pooled in natural rock basins, or huecos. Visitors today marvel at the imagery left by those ancient people. At Hueco Tanks, you can hike, rock climb, bird watch, study nature and history, picnic, and stargaze. Visitors can take guided and self-guided tours to view rock imagery. Visit our Activities page to learn more. Stop by our interpretive center, in a historic ranch house, to learn about the park and its history. The park store at headquarters sells gifts and other items. Hueco Tanks is mainly a day-use park. However, we do have 20 campsites. Learn more at:
Insights El Paso
We seek to bring Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) to life by providing engaging learning experiences for the whole community.
To learn more go to
Trans-Pecos Texas Master Naturalist Program
The Texas Master Naturalist Program’s mission is to develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to provide education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities for the State of Texas. Many communities and organizations rely on such citizen volunteers for implementing youth education programs; for operating parks, nature centers, and natural areas; and for providing leadership in local natural resource conservation efforts. In fact, a short supply of dedicated and well-informed volunteers is often cited as a limiting factor for community-based conservation efforts. Learn more at
Wyler Aerial State Park
The Wyler Aerial Tramway at Franklin Mountains State Park is on 195.742 acres of rugged mountain and rock formations on the east side of the Franklin Mountains. The tramway is currently closed due to safety concerns. TPWD is working with local partners to determine the tramway’s future. Learn more on the Tramway Study page. Park grounds are only open for guided programs; check our Events page for the schedule.
Learn more at: