Facilitating a shared community commitment to protecting, now, our open spaces for future generations. The Frontera Land Alliance protects—forever—natural areas, working farms and ranches, water, and wildlife in the West Texas and southern New Mexico region of the Chihuahuan Desert.
Gifts of Land
Let us help you protect and preserve your land in its natural state.
What are the advantages of working with a land trust?
We are closely tied to the communities where we work
We draw on community resources, including volunteer time and skills
We are familiar with the land in our area and have the trust and confidence of local landowners who may not want to work with outsiders
and more!
Do you care about your natural surroundings and want to help? Then please contact The Frontera Land Alliance office to volunteer.
Become a Member
Living in Texas wouldn’t be the same without wild places to explore. The Frontera Land Alliance is devoted to conserving those places. You can make a difference. Become a member today!
Legacy Giving
There is no better or easier way to make a difference for land conservation many years from now.
Your will or living trust is an important way to provide for family and friends, plan the management and disposition of your estate, and ensure a lasting legacy for the causes that have special meaning for you.
Such legacy gifts can be changed at any time you choose, giving you maximum flexibility in your planning.
Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your property will be put to good use in the future, and your cash flow will not be affected today.