Together we have conserved over

8,000 acres of land!

  • Wakeem/Teschner Nature Preserve

    Frontera is a partner with Insights Science Discovery who was awarded a NOAA Planet Stewards grant from NOAA Education for the 2023/24 academic year. The El Paso Youth Stewardship Program aims to empower students in the Border Region to address environmental issues within their community. Working with teachers and students for Loretto Academy, the program addresses habitat conservation/restoration with a two-prong approach: designing and creating a native pollinator habitat (gardens) on their school campus with the guidance of local experts and developing environmental agency by engaging in meaningful and practical habitat restoration at Resler Canyon Nature Preserve. Both of these efforts will help support the diminishing desert habitats and will ultimately have a positive impact on the wildlife that depend on these natural spaces.

  • Climate Change Research

    Entering into year two The Frontera Land Alliance continues to collect data on water quality, air temperature, and particulate matter.

    Through a collaboration with UTEP/EPCC PREEH2O Program data is being collected by Anahí Alba and Bryson Tassin. They are analyzing the data and their findings will assist with future landscape changes on open natural spaces.

    See the most recent data by downloading the following links:

    2023 Humidity: Climate Change El Paso Texas

    2023 Temperature: Temperature at sites

    2023 Summary: PDF Poster with detailed description.

    2024 Summary Poster 1:

    2024 Summary Poster 2:

  • Community-Driven Inclusive Excellence and Leadership Opportunities in the Geosciences

    Community-Driven Inclusive Excellence and Leadership Opportunities in the Geosciences ( The Community-driven Inclusive Excellence and Leadership Opportunities in the Geosciences (CIELO-G) project aims to transform in a profound and long-lasting way our geoscience community culture by consciously and organically changing the way we interact with our broader local community.

frontera land alliance frontera land alliance

Lost Dog Conservation Easement

The Lost Dog land adjoins the Franklin Mountains State Park (FMSP) to the east and residential areas to the south and west. Lost Dog is well known as a place to bike and hike on trails that are connected to the FMSP trails. This land was slated for development but as a result of an 89% voter approval of Proposition A on May 4th, 2019, the City agreed to preserve these lands. Proposition A stated that the City was to conserve the Lost Dog land with a conservation easement.

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frontera land alliance frontera land alliance

Knapp Land Conservation Easement

The Knapp Land’s preservation started with an area organization called Franklin Mountains Wilderness Coalition. They created a sub-committee Save Our Sierra’s whose sole focus was to see this land not developed. After the public objected to the sale of this private land for development, the property was purchased by the City in early 2018 with Quality-of-Life “Open Space” voter-approved bond money plus supplements from the El Paso Water Stormwater Fund. The public still did not believe that was enough protection for the land.

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frontera land alliance frontera land alliance

Castner Range was designated a National Monument March 21, 2023!

The permanent protection from future development will illustrate a significant step to expand conservation education to marginalized communities who disproportionately bear the brunt of climate impacts and traditionally have less access to nature. The area has been preserved in its pristine natural state due to the long-standing stewardship of Fort Bliss and a Castner Range National Monument (CRNM) designation would forever protect the land’s cultural, historical, scientific, and environmental attributes. Further conservation of Castner Range will preserve the fragile lands now surrounded by development.

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frontera land alliance frontera land alliance

Growing with Sara Farms

The Frontera Land Alliance (Frontera), an accredited-local non-profit land trust, has partnered, for several years, with a local 5 acre (non-certified) farm in the Socorro, TX called Growing with Sara Farm, L.L.C. The landowners, the farm manager along with Frontera have built a great partnership for educating volunteers on how to operate a farm and its value to the community.

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Thunder Canyon Conservation Easement

Thunder Canyon is a 26-acre natural arroyo in the western slopes of the Franklin Mountains formerly owned by a private development company. For two years neighbors of the canyon worked with the City to create a PID and purchase the property from the developer. Essentially, the 88 households surrounding Thunder Canyon agreed to tax themselves to pay off the purchase price; the land now belongs to the citizens of El Paso for all of us to enjoy forever.

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Wakeem/Teschner Nature Preserve at Resler Canyon

In the summer of 2012, Frontera applied for technical assistance from the National Park Service’s Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program to support our efforts to identify arroyos and other lands suitable for conservation around the Franklin Mountains. Frontera competed regionally with other organizations and communities in the grant process. The National Park Service (NPS) awarded Frontera a technical assistance grant in November 2012.

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