Lost Dog Conservation Easement
Photo by Scott Cutler
The Lost Dog land adjoins the Franklin Mountains State Park (FMSP) to the east and residential areas to the south and west.
Lost Dog is well known as a place to bike and hike on trails that are connected to the FMSP trails. This land was slated for development but as a result of an 89% voter approval of Proposition A on May 4th, 2019, the City agreed to preserve these lands in perpetuity. Proposition A stated that the City was to conserve the Lost Dog land with a conservation easement. The voting public wanted to ensure that the land was to be permanently protected, and overseen by a 3rd party, for natural open space and passive recreation and does not allow any construction.
Lost Dog are foothills that are adjacent to the FMSP. These foothills greatly impact the diversity of plant and animal species present, and the foothills themselves provide spectacular views of the Franklin Mountains. Lost Dog possesses a combination of diverse plant and animal habitats, numerous arroyos running through the land. The arroyos on Lost Dog provide corridors for wildlife and for water flow during rains.
With the preservation of Lost Dog, the vegetation will remain undisturbed and will assist in reducing erosion and flooding.
Flora and fauna live in a place that is now undisturbed in perpetuity. The view-sheds will remain a wonderful asset to the residents of the City of El Paso and surrounding areas, as well as a great attraction to out-of-town visitors.